Friday, June 20, 2008

Our little Wilby

This is our little one at 11 weeks. It's taken me forever to get these posted.(I'm at 20 weeks now) OOPS! I figured I should get these posted before we have our next ultra sound-this Monday. :) You can't tell much from these pictures but what you can tell is that it's definately a human and there SO IS A GOD!!!! My favorite picture is the one that looks like "Wilby" is itching it's eyes. I just love that one. The tech had to pretty much jump on my stomach to wake up the tired one. It's just like it's mommy and daddy-loves to sleep. Rob was excited about seeing the baby but was so, very fascinated in the technology of the the whole thing. To think it's just sound waves creating these images. Here's some reality for ya-these pictures are pretty much life size if you can believe that. THERE IS A GOD!!!!!! AMEN.


Unknown said...

Exciting. Can't wait to hear the news of Monday.

Grandma Black said...

We will soon find out if Wilby will be a boy or will be a girl! Whatever Wilby is we will be loving him/her with all our hearts! God is so very good. Love, Mom (Grandma to Wilby)

Inkling said...

Beautiful pics! I am so excited for you, and can't wait to see the next ones at your next ultrasound.

Makes me wish we lived in the States. I had NO idea it would be so hard to be pregnant sight unseen. Seeing those pictures is so important for moms, that's for certain!