Wednesday, May 2, 2007

How could I ask for more?

The last two months have just gotten away from me. I'm not sure why I'm just now writing about them because frankly, I've had absolutely nothing to do!!!!! It's weird that I haven't been working and have been home almost everyday and feel like I'm still going in circles. It's been nice to have this quiet time in my life- God knew I needed it. I'm not sure what I would have done with a job on top of all the other changes. Here, I've been worried about not finding a job and God's timing was just perfect. Surprise, surprise.

We are pretty settled in our new home. Just a few more pictures to hang on the walls. We are really starving for a church family and fellowship. We're getting there-it takes time I know. That's just one of those things that I just want to spead on up.God has blessed me with a job with Parent's As Teachers. I start May 14th and will be very ready to have something to do. Rob has just finished up his first two classes. He's really enjoying his classes and learning a whole lot! Rob is also doing some web design on the side.

We had the great opportunity to spend Easter weekend with Rob's family(above picture). We traveled to Atlanta to see his family. What a joy it was for me to get to know my in-laws. I met them a couple of days before our wedding and that's all of the getting to know time we've ever had. I tell you what-Rob came with the whole packaged deal and what a deal it was. His family is so wonderful.We had so much fun playing games, holding our cute little niece and just soaking in God's love that He has shed upon us. We even got to go to an authentic, Moroccan restaurant. We sat on the floor, ate with our hands and had belly dancing entertainment. No, none of our bellies were dancing. That would have made quite a memory though. Maybe next time. :) We had a great visit. Rob and I have just been so blessed with great families. We have a lot to be thankful for. My cup runneth over......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i've seen rob belly dance. i know that was our little secret rob but i think it's time we celebrate our relationship.