Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Art of Authentic Praise

Tuesday night, at Bible study, I learned about David's Authentic Praise. Recently I've been feeling that my praise is being squeezed out of me. It's not flowing or gushing like it sometimes does. This is what Beth Moore has helped me to learn about Praise.

PRAISE requires focus. (Ps. 9:1)
PRAISE is not confined.
PRAISE in Hebrew
Yadhah- speak out, confess
Tehillah-hymn, a song
Zamar-to play an instrument or make music
Hala- to be bright, shine, to boast, to praise, the idea of radiance WOW!!!
PRAISE is a choice(Ps. 103:1-5)
PRAISE is to become a habit (Ps. 34:1)
PRAISE becomes compulsory when we experience true intamacy.(Ps. 63:1-4)
PRAISE is contaigous(Ps. 52:9)
PRAISE invites the audience of God (Ps. 22:3)

I so want to be obedient in Praise. I just recently met a family via cyberspace that has and is exhibiting this fine art of authentic Praise. Their Praise has been contaigous to many lives. I read their blog finding myself praising the Lord through tears and joy. They have invited the audience of God, have experienced true intamacy, made a choice and made that choice habit, spoke out, celebrated in song, and are radiant, shining and as bright as bright can be. I'm going to pass this contaigous praise on and you too I'm sure, will find yourself praising without being confined. The Art of Authentic Praise(People after God's own heart)...........................................


Inkling said...

Holly, thanks for putting your thoughts on paper and for putting that link there. You've no idea how much God knew I needed it. Thanks, my friend. Sara

Anonymous said...

You write very well.